Whiskey and Worship

I had the rare treat of getting a guys night out tonight, after worship team rehearsal. Kent Robinson, Todd Meislahn, Randy Lehman, Matt Simpson and myself all gathered in Matt’s “man cave” to sample some some Scotch and rye whiskeys.

I got to tell a few more stories about Old Overholt whiskey and its relationship to Abe Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant… while sharing some Old Overholt with the guys, of course. And I also was able to sample a brand of affordable Scotch to look out for… The Prohibition Edition of Cutty Sark. It’s still a little pricier than my Old Overholt, at $30 a bottle. But it’s good enough that I may have to splurge on some in the near future.

Great times with the guys, talking church, worship, preaching, doctrine… and of course music.

And speaking of music, the song of the day today… the one running through my brain over and over, which I’d like to use in worship somehow… is “Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep.” Specifically the arrangement by John Rutter and sung by the Cambridge Singers. It is the loveliest thing I have heard in ages. I would love to adapt it to a band and make it congregational while preserving as much of that beauty as possible.

Watch below:

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